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Brewing beer using bakery leftovers as a substitute for malt
Dymchenko, A., Milan Gersl, Gregor, T.
The present study aims at the sustainable use of bakery leftovers and their application as a partial substitute for malt in beer production. We made seven samples of Lager beer where we substituted malt with up to 60% of bread, three samples of Brown Ale with up to 50% of bread, and four samples of Porter with up to 80% of bread. We made a sensory evaluation of the finished beer and determined its chemical composition. Water plays an important role in beer quality, especially in the sensory profile. We did a chemical analysis of the water to compare its chemical profile with that of the brewed beer. Samples with bread that substituted malt up to 30% showed satisfactory results in the total rating of sensory evaluation. The results of chemical measurement show that the more bread, the saltier the taste of the beer due to the increased Na and Clindicators. Therefore, we suggest not using more than 30% of bread because the salty taste can be more distinct. We noticed that the quantity of K depends on the type of fermentation and the availability of bread decreases the quantity of the element. We also measured foam stability and beer colour; the results serve as indicators of beer quality. We found that the beer colour and the foam quality in top-fermented beers are not affected by bread. We calculated that 30% substitution with bakery leftovers could save around 6-7.5 kg of barley per 1 hl. Brewers can collect bread leftovers from local supermarkets, cafeterias, etc.
Descriptors: beer, malt substitutes, bakery leftovers, food waste
Brewing Science 1-2 2023 (76), 1-10