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Optimisation of Wort Boiling by Process Reformulation and Design
H. Scheuren, F.-J. Methner, K. Sommer and M. Dillenburger

The current article introduces two possible optimisation tools for wort boiling. The first improvement tool refers to a reformulation of the different boiling phases. By a clever variation of the ratio between pump around velocity (turn rate) and evaporation velocity (evaporation rate) the advantages of a flash evaporation are combined with those of a kettle boil which leads to an optimised calandria boil (internal/external boiler). A second optimisation tool even intensifies this combination with a mechanical improvement. Thus, an energy reduction in wort boiling can be achieved which has so far not been possible to that extent.

Descriptors: boiling, optimisation, DMS, DMSP, wort, evaporation

BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 67 (September/October 2014), pp. 128-131