Table of Contents
Thermodynamic Validation of Wort Boiling Systems
H. Scheuren, F.-J. Methner, K. Sommer and M. Dillenburger
Regarding evaporation and formation of DMS wort boiling is calculable. Particularly the needed evaporation heat during the boiling step is predictable. Every form of boiling can be put down to two principles: The conventional direct heating of the wort kettle is called kettle boil while the use of a calandria (internal or external boiler) operates with a flash evaporation. This article compares both principles in terms of separate evaporation and formation of DMS (comparison 1) as well as simultaneous evaporation and formation of DMS (comparison 2) via validated calculations. For both comparisons it will be verified whether flash evaporation is better, equal or worse concerning the decrease of DMS compared to a kettle boil.An efficient evaporation of DMS is always a very important subject at any time due to the needed energy consumption. Procedural insights into different evaporation behaviour and its energy demand are known and disclosed [2, 3]. The literature concludes: Processes which perform a flash evaporation by releasing wort from a higher pressure to a lower pressure (internal or external boiler) are less efficient than the conventional, directly heated vessel (kettle boil). Important questions of detail are to be answered regarding the particular characteristics of every boiling system (temperature, process guidance, prevalent fugacity etc.) by its own.These reflections will be extended by the following remarks. For the first time not only the evaporation of different boilers is considered but also the heat-holding and according DMSP cleavage taking place with different boilers is regarded. Depending on the process parameters this leads to additional awareness.
Descriptors: boiling, energy, DMS, DMSP, wort, vaporisation
BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 67 (July/August 2014), pp. 96-100