Table of Contents
The Volatility of Dimethyl Sulfide Measured by Flash Distillation
Scheuren, H., Dillenburger, M., Tippmann, J., Methner, F.-J. and Sommer, K.
Vaporisation of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) out of wort is expensive because much more water has to be vaporised. To reduce the needed overall-evaporation the vaporisation behaviour of DMS has to be known. Therefor the temperature-dependent volatility of dimethyl sulfide in water can be measured by flash distillation. In order to determine the temperature dependent volatility of dimethyl sulphide (DMS), binary mixtures of DMS and water in infinite dilution are overheated and flashed at a specific temperature. The temperature-dependent volatility of dimethyl sulfide in water is calculated by determining the changes in the concentration of DMS and by measuring the overall-evaporation. These results can be applied for the calculation of DMS development in wort production and for the prediction of flash vaporisation processes.A major goal of wort production is the vaporisation of unrequested flavours. Hereby, the main flavour is dimethyl sulfide (DMS). Its reduction is of great interest for the brewer and, as a consequence, different vaporisation systems are available. Interestingly, different systems use different vaporisation temperatures. For validating theses systems the temperature-dependent vaporisation of DMS in wort has to be known. Because of the lack of brewing relevant data the aim of this work is to determine the vaporisation behaviour of DMS in a broad temperature range from 30 to 90??C. Therefore, the volatility of DMS in water is measured by using a flash distillation method.
Descriptors: dimethyl sulfide, volatility, wort, vaporisation, overall-evaporation
BrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 67 (May/June 2014), pp. 69-71