Table of Contents
A Novel Approach to Strategic Water Quality Management in Beverage Industry
V. Blomenhofer, F. Groß, T. Becher, A. Delgado
In 2011 global beer production increased to 1.9 billion hectoliters [1]. With a current average consumption of 4 hl of fresh water for the production of 1 hl of sales beer in Germany [2], approximately 2.5-3.0 hl of waste water (WW) is produced. When using a water volume ratio > 4:1 [3, 4] the waste water volume is correspondingly higher.
Descriptors: separation of process water streams, fuzzy-logic, water switch
BrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 66 (September/October 2013), pp. 136-143