Table of Contents
New International Calibration Standard (ICS-T3) for HPLC Analysis of Tetrahydroiso-alpha-acids - Submitted on behalf of the International Committee for Hop Standards
M. Biendl (Co-Chairman)
The International Committee for Hop Standards (ICHS) announces the release of a new calibration standard, ICS-T3, for the HPLC analysis of tetrahydroiso-alpha-acids.In April 2001, the ASBC, EBC, IoB (now IBD), and BCOJ approved the release of a set of HPLC standards for use in the quantitative determination of isomerized and reduced-isomerized alpha-acids in hop products and in beer. Four standards were produced:- DCHA-Iso, ICS-I1 (Iso-alpha-acids standard);- DCHA-Rho, ICS-R1 (Rho-iso-alpha-acids standard);- Tetra, ICS-T1 (Tetrahydroiso-alpha-acids standard);- DCHA-Hexa, ICS-H1 (Hexahydroiso-alpha-acids standard).The purity of each standard was determined using various HPLC procedures, elemental analysis and other methods. In each case, the total content of major isomers and homologs was declared and, before release, the stability of the standard was assessed and recommendations made regarding storage and method of use. An isocratic version of EBC Method 7.8 (now EBC 7.9, was recommended as a convenient and generally applicable HPLC method for use in the analysis of unknown samples containing isomerized or reduced isomerized a-acids. ...
Descriptors: calibration standard, HPLC analysis, Tetrahydroiso-alpha-acids, ICS-T3
BrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 66 (September/October 2013), pp. 135