Table of Contents
Vaporisation of Aromatic Components during the Beer Production
Scheuren, H., Sommer, K. and Hertel, M.
In a lot of processes and production steps in the Life-Science-Industry liquid semi-finished products are in contact with high temperatures and associated pressures. As a result steaming operations occur which have to be seen as thermodynamic separation processes. Concerning the exhaustion of aromatic components these steps influence intentionally or unintentionally the quality of the final product.The purport of this article is an overview of the thermodynamical basics concerning the steaming of aromatic components. Therefore the process of vaporisation by vaporescence and the vaporisation by boiling are both explained and defined. Furthermore this theoretical background and the corresponding formulas are tested and proofed by two samples of the sum of all existing experiments.
Descriptors: wort boiling, mashing, vaporisation, boiling, vaporescence, flavours, Dimethylsulphide (DMS)
BrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 61 (September/October 2008), pp. 162-169