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Proceedings EBC Congress Prague 2005 published

The Proceedings of the 30th Congress of the European Brewery Convention (Prague, May 2005) have been published, on CD-ROM. The CD-ROM contains the complete congress proceedings in pdf-files (portable document format), which can be viewed and browsed using the software Adobe Acrobat Reader. A User?s Guide explains how to take optimal advantage of the search facilities offered. The Proceedings contain the texts of all lectures and posters (173 contributions in total); these are published in English. It further contains a descriptor index, an author index as well as curricula vitae with photographs of authors. The publication also gives information on EBC in general and on the EBC Committees & Groups. The list of congress delegates with full address details as well as the list of participants in the exhibition of scientific institutes & brewing schools are added. The following topics are covered:- Raw Materials (14 presentations)- Technology & Processing (16 presentations)- Yeast & Fermentation (18 presentations)- Beer Filtration (11 presentations)- Beer Stability & Foam (15 presentations)- Beer Flavour Stability (23 presentations)- Product Development & Nutritional Aspects (11 presentations)- Analytical Techniques (12 presentations)- Microbiology & PCR Techniques (13 presentations)- Molecular -Tools in Malting & Brewing (11 presentations)- Energy & Water Efficiency (9 presentations)- Product Wholesomeness & Integrity (16 presentations)- Consumer Confidence (4 presentations)The Proceedings have been sent to all registered congress delegates.

BrewingScience – Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 59 (November/December 2006), p. 26