Table of Contents
EBC Method 4.7.2 Colour of Malt: Visual Method - Yellow Spot Colour Discs - Submitted on behalf of the Analysis Committee of the European Brewery Convention
S. M. Sole, B. A. Johnson, D. L. Griggs and J. Gibbs
In January 2005 the Crisp Malting Group Central Laboratories compared a new 3-fi eld colour comparator and discs, on loan from The Tintometer Ltd, with their current Tintometer equipment prior to its being serviced and recertifi ed by the manufacturer. Investigations showed differences between the two sets of yellow spot colour discs. Contact with The Tintometer Ltd revealed that in December 1999, Tintometer's colour laboratory became certifi ed to ISO/IEC 17025:2000 as a traceable colour calibration facility. In October 2002 (10/02) the approved master set of EBC yellow spot discs was realigned to the reference CIE (Illuminant B) chromaticity co-ordinates published in 1997 in ANALYTICA-EBC. Changes to the discs were small and notifi cation to the brewing and malting industries was considered unnecessary. The net effect, however, was to create two slightly differing standards within the yellow spot coding of the discs, viz: pre 10/02 and post 10/02 ...
Descriptors: Analytica-EBC, colour of malt, visual method
BrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 58 (May/June 2005), pp. 45-46