Table of Contents
The effect of steeping conditions on Arapiles malting
Huang, X., Han, Y., Yu, S.
The effect of various steeping conditions (time, temperature and aeration) on the quality of Arapiles malt for brewing (in terms of diastatic power, free amino nitrogen and hot water extract) was investigated. Steeping time and temperature had a highly significant effect on malt quality. In general, malt quality increased with steeping time (from 16-31 hrs). Malt diastatic power increased with steeping temperature (up to 25?C) and free amino nitrogen and extract content peaked at a steeping temperature of 20?C. Aeration during steeping appeared to enhance the extract and free amino nitrogen content of the finished malt. It was found that malt quality was directly related to the steep-out moisture of the grain.
Descriptors: steeping, malting, barley malt
BrewingScience - Monatsschrift für Brauwissenschaft, 57 (January/February 2004), pp. 13-15